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The Bhinneka Society

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Interior the bhinneka society

The Bhinneka society is a new concept from Missy Katherine, the owner who also run Sajian Bhinneka yang kami review 2 taon lalu. Mengambil bagian sayap kiri dari areal resto Sajian Bhinneka yang terkenal dengan interior nature yang ciamik dan direnovasi dengan gaya bar, this place is meant to gap between lunch and after dinner.

Sajian bhinneka

Ide bhinneka society ini berawal dari kerinduan pengelola sewaktu berada di Sydney hangout bareng bersama sahabat karib, menghabiskan waktu di sebuah bar yang open air, crowded namun santai. Partisi sebelah kiri pun dirancang sedemikian, masih terintegritas dengan sajian bhinneka, dari warna dan tema yang kecoklatan dari kayu. Beberapa meja sengaja dibuat agak tinggi, which meant for standing visitors to walk around and socialize. Di bagian paling samping, ada beberapa meja dengan atap transparan dari kaca, which give nice natural lighting di resto. The only downside is it creates glass house effect, dengan iklim tropis seperti kota Medan ini, dan belakangan suhu iklim yang makin memanas, ventilation is really necessary to keep the patrons comfortable.

the bhinneka society

There’s not much menu for foods, karena jika memang tujuannya makan buat kenyang yah ke Sajian Bhinneka, so we’re taking our tea time break with some refreshing beverages, such as the signature Oz Lemon Lime Bitter (28,8rb) and some coffee, oh they serve Nespresso too, with the biscotti from Howey.

oz lemon lime bitter

Some prefer cold drinks, lemon grass ice lemon tea topped with ice cream really cools down the heat.

lemon grass ice tea
san miguel

Or go tipsy with San Miguel.

Ada beberapa cemilan di sore hari seperti Sate kacang, Fried chicken skins and some heavier meal seperti spicy chicken set (58,8rb) yang disajikan dengan 3 side dishes berupa buah-buahan, cole slaw, dan fried skin.

sate kacang
chicken wing
bhinneka society spicy chicken

Overall, Sajian Bhinneka mencoba mengisi ruang kosong antara jam makan siang dengan makan malam dengan menghadirkan konsep baru bertema open air hangout place, mostly serving snacks and drinks. If the weather is being nice, this place is actually very comfortable to spend the afternoon with friends.

P.s: Also try their Parma Chicken and Fish&Chips.

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